This week my fuck it, is to everyone else’s noise because it’s silencing my own voice. I found myself buried in other peoples shit....

I made a deal with myself that I would be a good over attentive little adult until I turned 40. Then, FUCK IT. So,...

Process Is the Change, Not the Result
If I hear one more time; “you will be so happy when you see the result..just keep working at it” I’m gonna slap somebody....
Nashville Birthday Bash
Wandered around Nashville last weekend for my big birthday celebration and here are just a few of the tips and opinions of places that...

Our son excitedly went back to college for his second year, although with the pandemic it feels like it’s actually his first year, but...

I Said What I Said
Over the last few weeks, this has become my mantra. I mean what I mean and unless I literally say the words “oh shoot,...

I’m Not Overthinking
Overthinking, for me, is like breathing. I overthink a lot, about everything. Every. Damn. Thing. Let me give you a prime example of my...

Need to Chat?
Eventually we all need to get things out of our mind and off our chest. Sometimes we just need to vent about the little...

This Is 40…
I am among the few that look forward to their big 4-0. It is a club I have wanted to be in for awhile…....

Tell Your Story
These are words that have been spoken to me for years. In fact, last night while out and about they were uttered to me...